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Becoming a Locksmith: 3 Essential Steps

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Over the past five years, the locksmith industry has seen a 1.2% increase in the number of employees. There are professional locksmiths all over the U.S. that help with everything from the average American locking their keys inside the car before work to much more advanced lock picking projects.

If you are thinking about breaking into this industry, whether it's just as a locksmith enthusiast or actually start earning a living helping people out, you need to know where to start. Hopefully, this will guide you as you maneuver on your newfound journey through the wonderful world of locksmithing.

Research the industry -- First, you need to know why you're getting into this field. Blindly jumping into any career isn't a good idea, especially those that are broad and have plenty of subcategories within. Start by doing research online, reading articles written by professional locksmiths, and study all the various types of locks out there. It won't hurt to learn about locksmith history, either.

Start your training -- The next important step for aspiring locksmiths is to start actually practicing your skills. No matter how talented you are or how good you are with your hands, it's going to take a while for you to feel comfortable with locks and lock picking tools. A great way to train is to use practice locks. You can find practice locks in all shapes and sizes and as long as you are utilizing the right lock pick training tools, you'll get valuable experience and practice.

Find out if you need a license -- Though not every state requires locksmith's to obtain licensure, many of them do to ensure both safety and professional standards are met at all times. The licensing process varies by state, but most typically require aspiring locksmiths to submit an application, pass a background check, and provide fingerprints. You should be able to consult with your local locksmith association or government agency to find out the specific requirements for your situation.

As soon as you learn enough about the industry, obtain the necessary licensing, and feel comfortable picking locks, you're ready to take the next step. If you want to find quality practice locks and lock pick training kits, give SouthOrd a call today!

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